Momente der Reflexion: Neue Illidan Quest

Quelle: MMOZone

WoW Antorus Illidan Quest

Nachdem Ihr Argus in dem Schlachtzug Antorus besiegt habt erhaltet Ihr dort das Quest-Item Alor'idalkristall, welches die Aufgabe Moments of Reflection startet.

Nachricht an Tyrande und Malfurion

Nach dem Sieg über Sargeras und die Brennende Legion bleibt Illidan zurück. Er wacht über den gefangen genommenen Sargeras.

Doch seine Geschichte ist damit noch nicht beendet, er hat Nachrichten für Malfurion und Tyrande hinterlassen.

Quest Text und Dialog

The moment that the way to Argus opened, the instant my gaze fell upon the Legion’s homeworld. I knew I would not be returning from it. I will face my destiny whatever it may hold. Yet…I have left certain matters unsettled. Old wounds that I would see mended. This crystal bears two messages – one is for my brother Malfurion, the other for Tyrande.

I am trusting you deliver them on my behalf champion. When they have heard my words, leave the crystal atop Mount Hyjal, on the shores of the Well of Eternity.

You have witnessed echoes of my past hero. I ask your help to put these final matters to rest.

The Well of Eternity, I am not one for sentiment, but if anything embodies my commitment to Azeroth, it is the font of power I created so long ago. But enough dwelling on the past. The crystal I left for you to find contains not two messages, but three. The last is for you, champion. You have proven your commitment to Azeroth. Your dedication, your sacrifice rivals my own. But more will be asked of you, so much more. Even now, enemies gather, and the shadows grow darker. From this day forward the defense of our world, of all we hold dear, rests with you.

Malfurion, even in the womb we grappled with one another. Struggle has followed us all our lives. The teachings of Cenarius were always your path. I felt another calling. It was power I sought. But not to conquer or rule, it was a means to an end. To save Azeroth from an unstoppable foe.

You never trusted my intentions, though I suppose I did not make it easy for you. But now, as my fate becomes clear, I wish to quiet the strife that has long divided us. Even when the Legion is gone, new threats will arise. There is no one I trust to face them, more than you brother.

You have spent a lifetime fighting for the dream of what Azeroth could be. Now you must fight for what it is. Take care of Tyrande. Listen to her council. She was always the best of us. The road ahead will be long. Whatever comes, bring honor to the name Stormrage.

Tyrande, Long ago you trusted me enough to defy Malufrion’s wishes, and free me from my prison, but over time that faith was lost. And like my brother, you came to believe that the choices I made had driven me to darkness. Know that the path I took led to a single purpose, saving our world. I could bide no half measures, no compromise. At those times when I faced doubt, I held true to one constant, one anchor. You. You have always embodied the best of Azeroth Tyrande. Your faith, your devotion, through the darkest times. My belief in you never wavered. My fate, my duty, are now clear to me.

I leave Azeroth’s defense to you. And to my brother. Take care of him, Tyrande, Though at times I wished your heart had made a different choice. In the end, I know it made the right one.

Antwort von Tyrande

In my lifetime, I have twice witness a sundering of the world. Mother moon, I pray I do not see a third.

I sense a sorcerer’s touch upon this crystal.

Contrite words, yet I must wonder whether he truly meant them. After Illidan faced defeat at the top of the Black Temple, I tried to let go of my feelings, my distrust and bitterness.

When I learned he was alive, leading the fight against the Legion on the Broken Shore, I could not bring myself to speak to him. The time for talk has passed. Seems he has a duty to fulfill…as do we. Let us be about it, Champion.

Antwort von Malfurion

The crystal. It rings out with a familiar voice.

My brother made selfish choices, brought pain to so many. His transgressions are difficult to forgive. And yet…there were times when we fought for a common cause. A shared purpose. Hm…those were good days.

But now is not the time to ponder personal regrets. We must see to healing the world, champion. The soul of our world is in agony.